Living with Eczema?
You may be eligible for a clinical trial that offers study-related care and investigational treatment at no cost to you.
Verify your eligibility in under 2 minutes.
For some people suffering from atopic dermatitis, current medications can bring unwanted side effects or not work well enough to treat the symptoms.
Explore the options available through clinical research today. Health insurance is not required and you may receive compensation for your time and transportation (study-related expenses).
Who Can Participate?
Joining this study may be an option if you or a loved one:
Is 18-80 years of age.
Must be diagnosed with Eczema for at least one year
Must have eczema on at least 3% of body surface ( 3% = about 3 full handprints)
Matches additional eligibility conditions, to be evaluated.
Why Participate?
By participating, you'll contribute to the advancement of a promising new treatment that could alleviate atopic dermatitis symptoms. Qualified participants may receive complimentary investigational medication and regular checkups, as well as financial compensation to cover time and travel expenses.
How can I join the study?
The first step is to answer a few questions to see if you or a loved one may be eligible to join the study. If you or your loved one pre-qualify, you will be contacted by a member of the research staff to go over the study and answer any questions you may have.
Will this affect my insurance or medical services?
Your information will remain strictly confidential; there will be no engagement with your insurance for billing purposes. You and your doctor will continue to make decisions about your care.
Does it cost me anything?
No, you do not have to pay anything to be involved on this study. Health insurance is not required for participation in this study. Investigational medication and study procedures are provided at no cost. A per visit stipend and travel related costs will be provided.
What are Clinical Trials?
Before regulatory authorities, responsible for approving medicines for use in each country, can consider an investigational drug, device or procedure for approval, it must be shown to be both safe and effective. Typically, this is accomplished through clinical trials — carefully designed and monitored studies intended to test and evaluate these investigational drugs, devices or procedures.
The Indiana Clinical Trials Center
Plainfield, Indiana
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